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Government workers get a salary increase

Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court made it illegal for governments to require teachers, first responders and other public sector workers to pay a government union as a condition of holding their job. What does this mean for government workers?

paystub with no mandatory fair share fees.png

That’s right! In at least six states, government workers just got a raise! This means that government workers can spend more of their hard-earned money on their families, their interests and the causes they care about – at no expense to their fellow taxpayers.

Here’s what we’re seeing across the country:

Connecticut: This week 7,143 Connecticut government employees will see their first paychecks without agency fees, a savings of $527.94 per person a year.

Illinois: On average, Illinois state workers were paying $700 a year in agency fees and the state has already stopped collecting these fees.

Minnesota: Some agency fee payers are already seeing more in their paycheck, others are receiving conflicting instructions.

New Hampshire: Public sector workers will save several hundred dollars a year.

New Mexico: Nearly 2,000 government employees will be saving $264-$470 a year.

New York: In the last two weeks, more than 31,000 state workers are no longer having agency fees deducted from their paychecks.

Starting in July, public sector employees in all 22 states should be seeing an end to agency fee deductions. States that are not immediately complying with the Supreme Court’s decision in Janus could face legal repercussions. 

If you, or someone you know, are still having agency fees deducted from your paycheck or having difficulty opting out of your union, you have options. Contact us for help. Please be sure to include the name of your employer, which union you are affiliated with and the circumstances or situation you are in.