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A Message from Mark Janus

Hi – Mark Janus here.

Last week my colleague Diana Rickert told you about the ways government and union officials across the country are claiming the ruling in my case doesn’t apply to them.  They’re trying to lock people into unions. They’re lobbying for anti-worker legislation. But this week, it’s gotten worse. Not only are they out to stop people from exercising their rights, they are openly admitting that they are skirting the law.

Check out this story from a news outlet in Hawaii:

“In Hawaii, for example, Gov. David Ige, signed a bill in April that limits the time frame during which a union worker can opt out of paying union fees to a 30-day window pegged to the date the worker joined the union. Asked whether the new law was constitutional under Janus, [prominent Honolulu Democrat and labor attorney] Tony Gill acknowledged, ‘Probably not,’ but added someone would have to bring a ‘concrete case’ challenging the law.”

We’re not going to let them get away with this.

You know that government workers across the country have been reaching out to the Liberty Justice Center every day, and we’re aggressively signing new plaintiffs. We’re here to help. In the coming weeks, we’ll announce new lawsuits aimed at stopping this blatant obstruction of the Janus ruling and ensuring every worker in America can exercise his or her constitutional rights.

Stay tuned for more –

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Mark Janus
Plaintiff in Janus v. AFSCME