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Meet Tommy Few

I’d like you to take a minute to meet Tommy Few, a special education teacher in California whose request to exercise his constitutional right to leave the teachers union was denied three times. In this video, he shares the struggles he has endured trying to exercise his First Amendment rights.

We’re hearing from hundreds of workers around the country who have found themselves in similar situations. They’re being told they are stuck in the union until their contracts end (sometimes years from now), that they’re bad people for disagreeing with what the union stands for, and even that they can leave the union but must pay service fees equivalent to union dues as a non-union member. 

Since they’re not listening to their members’ requests, the only way to force the unions (and the politicians that put their interests above their constituents) to respect government employees’ rights, is by filing lawsuits. The Liberty Justice Center is already representing folks like Tommy around the country and we’ll continue to do so until every government employee is free to exercise their constitutional right.

Stay tuned for more developments and let us know if you need help leaving your union