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The cases you’re not hearing about

I’ve been filling you in on what’s going on with our cases, but I haven’t mentioned what is going on “behind the scenes.” The people we help who get resolution before it reaches the courtroom.

Hundreds of people are using opt out letter templates (ours and others’) to contact their unions and employers to be released from their union.

Dozens of the people whose government unions, the Professional Engineers in California Government among them, refused to let them leave have been allowed to opt out after they reached out to us. When the Liberty Justice Center got involved and contacted the union to clarify what the Janus ruling meant, workers suddenly found their requests being honored.

In fact, one Pennsylvania school district employee not only was allowed to resign, she even got back dues because of our letters to the union and school district.

These are just a few of the many stories I have about workers finally being allowed to exercise their rights. I’m looking forward to the day when making that choice is as easy for everyone as just filling out a form or checking a box.

If you’re being told by your union that you have to wait until an arbitrary opt out window, I hope you’ll be encouraged by these stories. It’s not uncommon (and completely understandable) to not want to create a fuss or force the issue with your union, but don’t be afraid to reach out to us for help. You shouldn’t have to wait months, or as some are being told, years to exercise your right to leave the union.