Home » In The News » Mark Janus to be honored at National Review Institute’s 2019 Ideas Summit

Mark Janus to be honored at National Review Institute’s 2019 Ideas Summit

5 Things You Should Know about National Review Institute’s 2019 Ideas Summit

  1. It takes place March 28–29 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington, D.C. That’s just a couple of weeks off so you had best reserve your ticket.

  2. Hey, you can register here.

  3. The Summit’s theme is “The Case for the American Experiment.” Help us make the case.

  4. At the big Whittaker Chambers Award dinner Thursday night, we’ll be honoring Mark Janus for his diligent efforts to protect the First Amendment rights of government employees.

  5. Adam Carolla has confirmed to appear at the “Night Owl” following the dinner. He’ll be talking about free speech and his new movie, No Safe Spaces.

  6. I’m not good with numbers. Anyway, Adam’s just the latest addition to an already star-studded speaker line-up, which includes Senator Marco Rubio; Congressman Dan Crenshaw; Kevin Hassett, chairman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers; Brooke Rollins, head of the White House Office of American Innovation; Tammy Bruce; Robert Bryce; the Honorable James L. Buckley; Matthew Continetti; Charles C. W. Cooke; Lee Edwards; David French; Jonah Goldberg; Leonard Leo; Kathryn Jean Lopez; Richard Lowry; Andrew C. McCarthy; Jay Nordlinger; John O’Sullivan; Ramesh Ponnuru; Reihan Salam; Mike Sommers; Luke Thompson; Kevin D. Williamson; and John Yoo.

  7. Again, you can register here.

This article originally appeared on National Review.